
Thursday, March 23, 2017

     An ode to my wife - on 73rd Birthday 

Most beloved, dear darling wife
Lord bless you on your Birthday;
You are inspiration & love of life
Sickness drowned my life's joy!

Me, our children and the family
Can't ever repay your affection;
At twilight of our life's journey
Your illness is our top concern!

Sweet memories of the jovial past
Remind of cascading love & care;
Demeanour with beauty ever last
My tears drop albeit, endeavour!

Doting mother to all my children
Am ever grateful throughout life;
Happily you shared all my burden
An epitome of grandeur in strife!

You are the twin apples of my eye 
You are lilting songs of my heart;
You are best rhythms of my vibe
You too are eon to my best part!
Happy 73rd Birthday: 24th March'17

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