
Monday, March 23, 2020

24th of March 2020

Intensity of feelings can't today be shown
By forlorn and grieving children and me
Time stood still forever to remind & frown
Mundane emotion of grief doesn't rhyme!

We all remember your loving attachment
Treasure the imagery of ever smiling face,
Such memories lie deep in corners of heart
And do constantly provide a lot of solace.

For a year now your loving nearness is lost
You moved on graciously to God's abode,
The grieving made our eyes numb & moist
Forgot the jest of living in sorrows crusade.

The birthday is now a reminder of penance
Ecstasy in the depth of heart stand forlorn
Reminders of your sincere care and patience
Provide nostalgic melody to endless mourn!

Rest in peace my dear and beloved beauty,
We sincerely pray for your celestial bounty.

- Grieving family -

Sunday, December 8, 2019


On this day of the 56th year
Fondly ponder to remember,
How we set our lovely journey
To build a nest full of ecstasy!

Jelled to face life, full of vagaries
Turned odds to sweet memories,
Our journey was tuned & geared
Vibrant ride was fully enjoyed.

Albeit life's all ups and downs
You always firmly stood by me,
It enabled the vast 'Bell of Life'
To always ring the sweet chime!

On this important day of days
I fondly remember your love,
Eyes are brimming with tears
Adieu till I join You my Love.

Bereaved Husband
9th Deceber, 2019

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


                                         The Absence       


                                                 Now, over two and a half months
                                                 Since you departed to Gods abode,
                                                 Solemnly bearing life's loneliness
                                                 Trying my best for a normal mode!

                                                 Today, on the 'parapet of cloud'
                                                 Mistook you sitting on a chariot,
                                                 Woke up with a thunder loud
                                                 Visualized your charming Silhouette!

                                                 Imagery don't leave for a moment
                                                 Heart gloomily grieve for you,
                                                 Prayer for a peaceful heavenly stay
                                                 Your dreamy image all the way!

                                                 The vibrant colour of life has faded

                                                 Feelings are fantasy and mirage,
                                                 Loss of our 'Canvas Coloured'
                                                 Prompts me to hold on to that image!

                                                      A bereaved husband

                                                      NCR-15 May 2019   

Sunday, March 24, 2019

                         Remembrance of dear wife  on her 75th Birthday
                                           24th March, 2019


                         It's God's injustice for me and the family
                         For us to be morose on your 75th  Birthday,
                         Each moment over last 23 days rest heavily
                         Since your departure to God's abode.

                         Freedom from your suffering might give
                         Relief and solace to some of the few,
                         For me, there isn't any jest left to live
                         Without You, all things become askew.

                         Tears drop from my eyes as I miss
                         Your company sitting lonely & forlorn,
                         And depressed at hearts loud beats
                         That sets the mind to feel the bygone.

                         Rest in Peace my beloved dear
                         Will ever carry your sweet memories,
                         Till I go to the serene world of your,
                         And again rebuild our nest primrose!



Tuesday, February 19, 2019

                         An Ode to Daughter Mona on her Birthday (25.12.2018)

                                             Festive air in wintery night
                                             'Santa' riding on Snow Cart,
                                             Gifts bounty showered on all
                                             Makes the night more jovial.

                                             Anxious couple in Kolkata far away
                                             Await arrival of their 'Bundle of Joy',
                                            When bell strikes for Christmas dawn
                                             Majestically arrives our pet first born!

                                            You, darling lady, Mona dear
                                            Parents are proud of your care,
                                            God bless You & grant wishes all
                                            Forever be Happy our 'eyes apple'.


Saturday, March 24, 2018

                           Ode to my wife on her birthday on 24th  March'18

Intense suffering in one's life's dream,
For a loving partner & a doting mom;
Our hearts bleed at Nature's Injustice,
And inability to lessen dreaded malice!

For us all  it's really difficult to count,
Thousands of things you did sacrifice;
For your family's health & happiness,
Threw  your best years to wilderness!

Brave dear lady, deep salutation to You,
On precious Birthday  for You, You & You!

Friday, April 7, 2017

The Breeze And The Damsel

Breeze playing with coiffure
Ravishing smiles do endure,
None will be able to figure
Reason for lovely rapture!

Damsel in her ecstatic joy
Enjoys  nature's true beauty,
Zephyr naughtily play ahoy
And make all hearts frailty!

* * * * *